What is Anxiety?

We all can have a worry or two now and again. When worry gets out of control, then it is categorized as anxiety. Anxiety can lead to all sorts of issues in your life that can affect how you live.

So, what exactly is anxiety? Not to belittle anyone’s feelings, but anxiety is an exaggerated response to a situation or event. While the event may warrant a response, it doesn’t necessarily call for such an extreme one.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Those who suffer from anxiety disorders are worried all the time. If they are not worrying then something is wrong. It’s as if there is something brewing just beyond the edges of their mind that they can’t grasp but they know that it can’t be good.

Anxiety can manifest itself as:

  • Intense worry
  • Nervousness
  • Apprehension
  • Fear

It can also take on physical form. Someone who is always anxious may be prone to headaches, stomachaches, profuse sweating in certain situations and rapid heart rate.

Anxiety can begin as worry over a test or an upcoming job interview. You have thoughts running through your mind about what can go wrong. Maybe you don’t do so well during practice and then worry excessively over the big moment.

An anxiety disorder takes this one step further. Usually, after the event or situation is passed the anxiety passes as well. But, for some people, the anxiety just attaches itself to another situation.

General anxiety disorder (GAD) refers to anxiety that lasts a long time. It becomes a general fear or worry about everything – your children’s health, money, bills, world events, your job, and your health. You name it and anxiety will be there. After watching a newscast about an earthquake half way around the world, you may begin to worry that something like that will happen where you are. Most of the time, the anxious person can’t put their finger on one specific thing that is causing them such worry.

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are a type of anxiety brought on by certain situations. Maybe you don’t like crowds and one day you find yourself in one. All of a sudden you can’t breathe, your heart is beating out of your chest and you feel like you are going to die. Panic attacks can last a few minutes or a few hours depending on the circumstances and how fast you can get away from the object of your panic.


These are irrational fears of things or situations. You may not know why you are fearful but when you are facing a situation with the object of your phobia, your anxiety level goes off the charts. You begin to center your life on not encountering that phobia which can be easy or hard.

Anxiety takes many forms. If you think that you may have an anxiety disorder, talk to a healthcare professional.