How to Protect Yourself From Negative Energies


There is energy all around you, no matter where you are, who you are with, and how you might feel. There is both positive and negative energy, most of which is not even recognized by people for what it is. But if you are an empath or simply overly sensitive to other people’s emotions, you might need a little extra protection from negative energy around you.

Set Healthy Boundaries

To protect yourself from any negative energies around you, you need to set some boundaries. This might be actually vocalizing the boundaries to other people, physically setting a boundary between you and toxic people, or just mentally and spiritually putting your guard up. Continue reading “How to Protect Yourself From Negative Energies”

Self-Care for the Reflexologist

To be a successful, professional Reflexologists takes time, care and attention. This self-care starts first with the Reflexologist. Only when you are fresh and balanced can you offer effective Reflexology treatments. Here are some tips and advice that we hope you will find useful.

Self-care begins with the correct choice of equipment, correct techniques, ergonomics, energy protection, balanced lifestyle, staying within professional limits, keeping up to date with latest information and techniques…

Continue reading “Self-Care for the Reflexologist”

Edema Disappears in One Reflexology Treatment

Reflexology rids patient of edema in ONE Session!!  Watch this video clip.  It is an irrefutable proof of medical evidence for Reflexology.  Through this clip, you will be able to watch how edema in a 34 weeks pregnant lady disappears in one single session of Reflexology.

This case was filmed at the Maternity and Gynaecology ward of the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, on July 29th, 2009. Continue reading “Edema Disappears in One Reflexology Treatment”

Gregg Braden: Grieving a Lost Way of Life

Our entire planet for the very first time in recorded human history, is simultaneously going through a process of grief.

We are all in grief, knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or subconsciously, and whether we acknowledge it or not.

We are all in grief, and the question is, what are we grieving? The answer to that surprises a lot of people. We are grieving the loss of a way of life. The way that we were living our lives just a few weeks ago has been lost.  It’s been taken from us.

Listen to this interview excerpt with Gregg Braden on the current pandemic situation.  He perfectly explained what and why we are experiencing and feeling right now.

If you are a Reflexologist or health care practitioner, this affects you, your families and clients. Continue reading “Gregg Braden: Grieving a Lost Way of Life”

Simple technique that can save lives after a heart attack

There’s a simple technique that everyone can do if they are having a heart attack – or if they are with someone who is – that could determine if the attack is fatal or not.

Squeezing the victim’s arm hard for several minutes after an attack could protect up to a quarter of the heart from permanent damage, and it may be the difference between living and dying.

The technique – known as conditioning – works on the simple theory that restricting the flow of blood to an organ stops further damage occurring.

Scientists at Leicester University are researching the technique to discover just how effective it might be.
(Source: University of Leicester website).