How to Use Dream Work as a Spiritual Practice

How to Use Dream Work as a Spiritual Practice

Dream work provides many benefits when it comes to spirituality, including helping you to find the right path, see signs of your manifestations coming true, strengthen intuition, and gain more clarity. Keep reading to find out how to use dream work as a spiritual practice.

Try Not to Use Sleep Aides

Unfortunately, even if you have insomnia, sleep aides are probably not recommended. This doesn’t mean you don’t have options, but you do want to avoid the sleep aides you get over-the-counter, such as Benadryl or Tylenol PM. The ingredients can affect your dreams, sometimes making them worse than normal, disrupting your signs in your dreams, or keeping you from dreaming at all.

Instead, if you have trouble sleeping, look to more natural or spiritual remedies, such as keeping healing crystals under your pillow, meditating before bed, or using natural aides like melatonin or magnesium. Continue reading “How to Use Dream Work as a Spiritual Practice”

Gregg Braden: Grieving a Lost Way of Life

Our entire planet for the very first time in recorded human history, is simultaneously going through a process of grief.

We are all in grief, knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or subconsciously, and whether we acknowledge it or not.

We are all in grief, and the question is, what are we grieving? The answer to that surprises a lot of people. We are grieving the loss of a way of life. The way that we were living our lives just a few weeks ago has been lost.  It’s been taken from us.

Listen to this interview excerpt with Gregg Braden on the current pandemic situation.  He perfectly explained what and why we are experiencing and feeling right now.

If you are a Reflexologist or health care practitioner, this affects you, your families and clients. Continue reading “Gregg Braden: Grieving a Lost Way of Life”

Could your thyroid be at the root of your health problems?

The thyroid, a small butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck, is probably one of the most important glands in your body. It helps control heart rate, body temperature and regulates how fast we use energy from food. It also affects your appetite, mood and weight.

It is extremely sensitive and can be affected by vitamin and mineral deficiencies, smoking, environmental toxins and prescription drugs. It’s therefore hardly surprising that thyroid problems affect as many as one in six people over the age of 55. Continue reading “Could your thyroid be at the root of your health problems?”

How To Tell The Difference Between Intuition And Fear

Women entrepreneurs need to depend on their intuition a lot more than they normally allow themselves to.

Sure, logic and reason have their place in making decisions, but these left-brain, masculine qualities will keep you playing it safe, thinking about growth in small, incremental steps and prevent you from taking the bold leaps that are often required in order to fulfill your dream and satisfy your Soul’s Divine Purpose (not to mention, stop you from making a lot more mo.ney!).

Continue reading “How To Tell The Difference Between Intuition And Fear”

Nine Ways to Speed up Your Law of Attraction Results

You probably already know that the law of attraction holds a lot of power. Your intentions and core beliefs play a vital role in determining the outcomes of your life. If you want to achieve success now, you can!

When you concentrate on the positive, your life will be positive. It sounds simple enough, but many times people let negative emotions get the better of them. You have the power within you to break those negative habits. Once the negativity is gone, you can speed up the whole process of dream achievement.

Try using the following ways to speed up your law of attraction results: Continue reading “Nine Ways to Speed up Your Law of Attraction Results”