Merging Science & Reflexology [Podcast #003]

After almost 30 years of working as a Reflexologist and instructor I know that Reflexology works! I have witnessed and experienced amazing results, both in myself as well as my clients over the years. Reflexology has triumphed where conventional medicine has often failed.  The question we will discuss here is “How does Reflexology Work?”

We will bring into the discussion quantum physics, quantum science, Einsteins “sea of energy” and discover what happens when we ask some hard questions.

How do you think Reflexology works?


Nervous System?

Energy Pathways?



Please leave a comment with your thoughts below.

3 Replies to “Merging Science & Reflexology [Podcast #003]”

  1. Thank you so much Lauren for sharing your explanation of your experience on the science behind how Reflexology really works. I’m really looking forward to reading comments on this from others.

  2. This was very good!! I had a conversation with someone about reflexology on horses. I will say up front that I have not done reflexology on a horse, but I did take the correspondence course from the late and great Yvette Eastman. Well anyway, he said that because of the hard hoof reflexology was not worth doing on horses. For the reasons that you give I think that is whooey! Energy is the key, but at this point it is not considered “scientific”. More and more we are seeing studies and scientis talking about this. It is still a bit down the road but one day there will be an understanding that energy is the key to ALL healing.

  3. Hello Maureen,
    Thank you for your comment! Horses love ear reflexology! One of my students had a dairy herd of cows. She started working on the ears of her cows, and her husband laughed at her. Told her it was ridiculous!! Well it got so that when the cows saw her coming, they would head straight over to her and put their head down so their ears were at her hand height. She continued to work the cows ears, and then her husband noticed that milk yield was increasing. She stopped working their ears, and the milk yield went back to “normal” levels. She started working the ears again, and milk yield once again rose. Her husband stopped being a skeptic and told her to continue doing whatever it was she was doing, because he could see a result. Another great effect was that the rate of twin calf deaths diminished to nothing. They would usually expect only 50% of both twins to survive. Needless to say our student’s husband became a great advocate of Reflexology! When she worked on the cows – there was a tangible result which did not occur when she stopped. Cause and effect!

    I also think the it is the wording which get people going – talking about energy – they simply do not understand it! I ask – have you heard of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)? How does that work? What is on the picture that the doctors diagnose from? It is not a picture of the heart, lungs or other body organs. Do people ask these “hard” questions of doctors? Why not? For the record magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses radio frequency to knock the hydrogen atoms out of line. As they move back to their natural alignment, each hydrogen atom in the cells emits a tiny electric signal. The MRI scanner has very strong magnets in special coils to detect the electric signal. A computer uses these signals to create a detailed image of your soft tissues. What is the electric signal? ENERGY!!

    It is simple really! Reflexology is ahead of it’s time – but that is changing fast!! We live in great times! Let’s ask the hard questions of everything, and see what is left at the end!

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