Mainstream vs Alternative Medicine – whos winning?

You’ll never guess what complementary and alternative medicine is.



A new “state-of-the-art paper” from Mayo Clinic researchers, in the US, drops this amazing little statistic from a 2002 review: “The total number of visits to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) providers far exceeds those to primary physicians.”

FAR exceeds?

Absolutely. In 1997, the number of CAM office visits exceeded primary doctor’s office visits by 243 million! And that trend was on an upward swing.

Yeah, I’d say that qualifies as a major prevailing trend (which is how the Webster dictionary defines “mainstream”).

So does the Mayo team stand back and give respect where respect is due?

Please. Do you even have to ask?

Products to avoid

The purpose of the Mayo paper is to highlight potential adverse reactions when cardiovascular patients combine herbal treatments with drug treatments.

So far, I’m with them all the way. Millions of patients are combining CAM treatments with drugs, so the more that patients and doctors know about interactions the better.

But the Mayo team isn’t content with just performing a service and giving the medical field a useful tool. No. They jam anti-CAM editorial content throughout their paper.

In fact, they drag out virtually every old warhorse argument against CAM – the therapies aren’t properly tested in clinical trials, supplements aren’t regulated strictly enough, consumers assume “natural” herbs are completely free of side effects, and blah, blah, blah.

And the bias is glaring. For instance, here’s the title of Table 1: “Herbal Products to Avoid in Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases.”

And why avoid these herbal products? Because they interfere with cardio drugs.

According to the table, cardio patients should avoid green tea because it decreases the effects of warfarin (a blood- thinning drug).

HEY, Mayo! Don’t forget who’s mainstream here!

Do you drink green tea for the antioxidants or the anticancer agents? Then maybe you should avoid warfarin use.

Or let’s say you’ve had success improving circulation with ginkgo biloba. Well, bleeding risk is higher when that herb is taken with warfarin or aspirin, so those drugs probably aren’t right for you.

In a news paper article about the Mayo paper, one of the authors singles out garlic, noting that patients are very surprised that garlic can potentially increase risk of bleeding. Which is hilarious because warfarin increases the same risk!

The subtle-as-a-brick message of the paper is clear: Trust drugs, not herbs, not CAM.

But that tired old message doesn’t fly anymore. Time for respect.

As we age, our levels of key nutrients tend to become depleted. So as the birthdays pile up, we need to be diligent about boosting those levels.

Especially with a nutrient as important as vitamin D.

In a new study from the UK, University of Warwick researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 28 studies to examine links between blood levels of vitamin D and heart disorders.

Nearly 100,000 subjects were involved in the studies.

One of the researchers described the results: “We found that high levels of vitamin D among middle age and elderly populations are associated with a substantial decrease in cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.”

So, no need to go sun-crazy, but whenever possible – 15 to 20 minutes of direct sunlight daily. Just do it!

19 Replies to “Mainstream vs Alternative Medicine – whos winning?”

  1. As a nurse, I do agree that some herbs (a natural medicine) should not be used with traditional drugs, therefore people should be cautious to mix the two. I am so glad to hear that CAM is being used by so many people, I had no idea. Let’s face it, the Mayo Clinic is a traditional medical clinic, as far as I know. Doctors are not have the qualifications to teach about natural wellness or nutrtition (unless they study CAM as an extra course)but many people believe everything the doctor says. Pharmacists are the same. Most pharmacists believe in drug treatment because this is what they have been taught. Sometimes it is a very confusing world out there for the average person who is just wanting to stay well.

  2. I have used alternative medicines my entire life. The attitude of the medical community comes as no surprize. They are simply worried about thier job security.

    We can go back to antiquity if you really wish to get to the origins of the medical profession’s paranoia towards CAM. It’s simple logic. Why were so many poor people burnt at the stake for witchcraft if it didn’t benefit the Church with money or power? Let’s look at the victim’s proffesions. A great number were herb-wives, midwives, are we seeing a common thread here? These people were taking clients away from the accepted medical doctors.

    At least they don’t burn us, drown us, or hang us anymore – they just try to discredit us. Yeah. I wish the people at the Mayo Clinic, and others, good luck with that. Cam is as alive as it ever was, and is growing in popularity in proportion to the disillusionment of the boomers with modern medicine. Things happen in cycles, and it is my opinion that the time for CAM has come of age.

  3. I completely agree! The medical society seems to forget all of the side effects that come with using synthetic drugs and the potential danger of mixing them. The last time I got a prescription filled it also came with 2 pages of warnings and potential risks of taking the drug. Yes herbs can have side effects and I would suggest that you do your homework before taking them, but at least you know what you’re taking is some chemical that somewhere down the road the medical society decides causes some major health issue.

  4. Great article Lauren!
    Wow, I never would have thought that CAM had made such great headway in the health care sector and is now considered ‘mainstream’. That is fantastic news for all those working in the CAM field, and those who support and seek them out!!
    It’s wonderful to know that people are starting to take charge of their own health – not always trusting the doctors and not just listening to the voice concerning traditional Western medicine. It makes sense that after so many years of studies and medical research that people are becoming more informed and thus are no longer satisfied with the traditional remedies and medications that doctors prescribe. Prescription drugs cause far too many side effects, only masking the symptoms and pain, ultimately making matters worse, and it doesn’t necessarily address the root cause of the problem or offer healing and full recovery.
    Although CAM has gained popularity through the confidence and trust of the people, it appears that only part of the battle has been won. Your article mentions how MAYO team is doing their best to convince people that CAM therapies and herbal remedies may be unsafe as they aren’t tested in clinical trials and regulated by the government; and that herbs taken with certain drugs can have adverse side effects. There is certainly a need for some concern here, but I feel that it is ultimately the responsibility of the doctor/practitioner, as well as each individual, to research and understand what the contents are of any remedy they take, as well as the proper dosage, use, and any contraindications there might be before taking them.
    The key is to educate people so that they can be wiser, make better choices, in order to make intelligent decisions and take responsibility for their own health. With the advantage of the internet, it is easy for everyone these days to do their own research, and become self-informed concerning health, drugs, herbs or any other related matter.
    Using the quote that Jack gave us from Albert Einstein states, “The only source of knowledge is experience”. It is through years of studies, experiments, as well as people’s personal experience, that we have been able to come this far. Our thanks go to those who paved the way before us…, and now it is our turn to do our part.
    Thanks for sharing this great news with us Lauren!

  5. That CAM is now Mainstream does not surprise me people are getting fed up with medical practitioners who prescribing what I call – „The Flavor of the Month Antibiotic“ or medication.

    People are looking for a healthier alternative and are starting to rely more on CAM,
    In my experience with medical practioner visits I always remember how it made me feel, there seemed to be a void , a dissatisfaction, but after CAM treatments I always feel positive about the treatment and outcome.

    How exciting it is to be part of the Wellness Revolution!

  6. I was quite amazed by the statistics stated above, i was unaware about how many people used CAM back in 1997, that’s wonderful.

    it’s heart breaking to see how many people still out there that have not considered, and are unaware of CAM, still relying on the use of traditional medications. It is absolutely unbelievable how much we pay in medical plans just to wait until a doctor becomes available to see us. You wait for days even weeks to get in to see a doctor, only to be perscribed some chemical laden pill that masks your symptoms and supresses your immune system, causing adverse side effets and gets no where near to helping or curing the underlying problem.
    its wonderful to learn that more and more people are becoming aware and trusting in CAM. It’s great to be part of this growing trend.
    I as well as other family members, are sensitive to and have gotten bad reactions to the majority of OTC drugs and pills percribed to us in the past. Over the past few years we have turned to CAM to to keep us pain free and healthy.

  7. What a great article!!! I can honestly say that I was suprised to hear about CAM being mainstream, how exciting! Wish more people would start to belive in the power of natural healing. I completely agree with Geraldine with it having to do with money, Even though it could be a positive change in the world, some people have no interest in giving up there cushion jobs. The study done on the Vitamin D in middle aged and elderly people blew me away. I currently work in a seniors home and my heart breaks for them when they are having to take so much medication for so many different health issues. After reading the study done of Vitamin D it makes you shake your head at doctors. We do have one resident who has a reflexologist visit him weekly, he is 95 years old and still enjoys riding his horses!!! Everyday that goes by at work I belive more and more in the power of self-healing.

  8. I was aware the CAM was gaining popularity but not quite to that extent. What this tells me is people are taking control and responsibility for their own health. It is probably because they have tried many options. They are going with what works for them.

    My Mantra these days to myself is – heal thyself! If a whole society feels this way there is a conflict of interest here. A healthy society spends less time visiting doctor’s offices. Healthy people don’t need medication, hospital’s etc..

    One time in particular my hip went out. As it has before. This time I was in a great deal of pain. The pharmacy delivered me some back medication with Codiene. I took as much as I was safely allowed. The side effects were very uncomfortable and left me nauseous without removing the pain. My kids became so concerned that they called an ambulance. I refused to go the the hospital because I said their probably just going to give me more pain killers and I couldn’t take any more. The ambulance attendants agreed. The next day I was well enough to get to the chiropractor and after acouple of adjustments I was good as new. Honestly I don’t think I returned again to the chiropractor for another year and a half or two. You can’t tell someone that something doe’s not work when in fact it doe’s. What I have experienced with CAM treatments is they are immediate and long lasting and that’s hard to compete with.

  9. Reading this article has struck home. When my mother was going through chemotherapy, she went to her medical doctor to discuss some CAM options that she could use to complement her chemotherapy. She was told to stay as far away from any alternative medicine as she could. I can understand that the doctor would not know exactly what the CAM would do but to not even discuss options that may have been a help?! If the doctors are worried about side effects, chemotherapy has plenty.

  10. I agree with Meikes’ comments,the reality of it is that if it is man made drugs or God made herbs we all have to do are own homework because everything has a consequence be it good or bad especially if we add thing to the situation, like other drugs or herbs. The sad thing is that not all boomer’s are on board with the stay healthy through alternative medicines and they do look at a doctor to be the final decision because they are looking for instant cures and not realizing that an instant cure may be temporary but one built up over time; that is if we allow are bodies to heal themselves with alternative medicines there is a pretty good chance that the body will stay healthy for a longer period of time.

  11. Hi Everyone! I also am not surprised that CAM has made the mainstream. People are frustrated with having to take a pill for everything, and are looking for something different, something they can take into their own hands. I agree that one must do their research with anything you are going to use/put into your body, and the interactions/side effects involved.

    We have come to realize that the body has the ability to heal itself if we give it a chance. And that the world around us can provide just what we need. As a Emergency Nurse, I know there is definitely a place for “western” medicine, but we need a balance with CAM.

  12. i do feel people need to make informed choices about what they put in or do to their bodies! now whether it is prescription or herbal or both is their choice ,but decide knowledgeably which is of greater benefit. Lots can be used togther with no side effectsor adverse reaction with the other. Lots of doctors are now more open and knowlegeable of herbal products. Without the medical profession the surgeons/doctors there would be lots of lives lost or lives not being lived to their fullest! granted if we take care of bodies souls and minds we have three quarters of the battle won! NOTeveryone believes in everything!!!!!

  13. As someone walking “the fence” by personally applying BOTH medical training and CAM, it is disheartening to hear that “health care” has to be a competition to be “won”, and that so much effort is put into validating only one side by denegrating the other.

    There are biases and ability to SLANT the perspective from BOTH sides!! Not ALL medical practitioners are against CAM and v/v… let’s all play nicer in the sandbox shall we?

    The bottom line is everyone needs to take charge and personal responsibility for their own health and seek out whichever of the numerous options available that might work for them, whether it be “mainstream” medicine or “mainstream” CAM.

    Really … since we are all uniquely individual, is not the only IMPORTANT measure of success, the PERSONAL results achieved toward health and vitality?

  14. It is good to hear that more and more people are seeing benefit in different ways of healing and coming back to whole-forms of healing. Anything that brings us back into greater connection to our human community must benefit us, and I believe whole-forms of healing are more successful at knitting this human society back in place.

    That being said, as practitioners of CAM, we cannot dissociate ourselves from the current medical paradigm. Culture in the West, currently is dominated by the Western medical tradition–number of office visits aside. The amount of power the current throne-holder wields is enormous. And we cannot and must not ignore this.

    At the same time, Western medicine is drawing to a close. As you state in your post, one of the Western doctors` concerns was a concern any doctor/healer must have when treating patients: watch for counter-indications. The difficulty here is that the Western tradition now feels threatened. Because it does not have the ability to change.

    Only individuals spark change.

    As CAM practitioners, we are no longer the ground floor of this change in the West. That work was begun years ago. But we must still be diligent to practice with integrity, knowledge and compassion. Without these elements in our practice, we make the art of healing a farce and competition. Our patients and our greater human community are now at the point where they want to return to a different mode of healing. Our job is to be competent and responsible so that they feel empowered to choose us to return to.

    If we focus on a political component, that makes us politicians; focusing on wellness and transformation, we can help others make themselves well and transform the world with each client we see.

  15. I think that the majority of the population has had at least one bad encounter with a doctor where the prescribed treatment not only didn’t work, but sometimes caused harm. We boomers like to think for ourselves and so we have developed CAM and embrace it. Personally, I think there is definitely a place still for traditional medicine, but that doesn’t preclude alternative therapies. There shouldn’t be any reason we can’t function together – but perhaps not for the same condition at the same time! I strongly depend upon my chiropractor and massage therapist to keep my back in line, but haven’t yet found a good alternative to the medicine for my skin condition.
    We as practitioners must continue to be open to all forms of therapy – including traditional medicine – in order to continue to work for our clients’ greater good.

  16. This is why the Government has introduced bill C51 then changed it to bill C52 and now with the second reading into bill C6.

    So many people do not believe in the Family Doctors anymore, due to the fact you are just a number and you only have 5 minutes with him. In those 5 minutes you better talk fast as he or she busily writes out yet some more poisonous pills. People are finally waking up to the fact that the Medical Doctors have been bought off by the big Pharma’s. These corporations give incentives to Doctors to push their poisons.

    I am so greatful that men and women are finally waking up and taking their health into their own hands, and seeking out the professionals that truly care and want to help them to cure their ailments. The men and women that are dedicated to help others get in tune with their bodies again, as we all know your body can cure itself, if you would only keep it healthy.

  17. In short, people want a healthier lifestyle. I find that when doctors cant find out what ails a person they tend to blame depression and want to give a cocktail of meds. People are frustrated. To them we are just another number. CAM practitioners make the time to hear what is being said and want to work together with their client towards a healthier lifestyle. Of course, they are correct in saying, one should not mix meds but that is with any medication. Doctors need to be more open minded about CAM practitioners because the numbers show that more and more people are accepting the trend of CAM and healing.

  18. It is nice to hear that CAM has officially become mainstream! It is my hope that now that CAM is mainstream and gaining popularity that traditional medicine and CAM can work together to bring a truly holistic approach to health. Like it or not traditional medicine does play an important role in a persons health but it is only one piece of the puzzle.

    One of the first things I do when admitting a patient to the hospital is get a list of all the medications they are on; Rx, over the counter, vitamins and supplements. The doctors then make changes as they see fit; it would be nice instead if the doctors sat with the patient and explained why they were making changes. If the patient had a chance to explain why they were taking certain medications and the doctors how they interfere with treatment both could gain some knowledge. Patients would also be more likely to comply with changes if they understood why it interfered with there treatment. Simple changes like this can go a long way in gaining people’s trust and improving there overall health.

  19. It is great news to hear that CAM is being used so much. I think more research should be done with CAM so that we can learn how to cure ourselves and not have to rely so much on traditional western medicine. Often traditional medicine is unable to cure disease or relieve pain, and often traditional medicine uses drastic surgical procedures and prescription drugs with adverse side affects. Often alternative medicine is criticized as having side affects and not having appropriate testing, but society doesn’t think twice about the side affects of the prescription drugs they routinely take. It would be nice to see CAM and traditional medicine work together to complement each other.

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