Extraordinary Healing Power of Ear Reflexology

Many years ago, Lauren Slade and Jack Marriott were requested to set up two complementary health information booths at the Central East Alberta Teacher’s Annual Convention in Edmonton Alberta.

Lauren managed a booth on muscle testing and stress relief and I managed a booth on Foot Reflexology at which three of our graduates were performing UCR’s trade marked 12-minute Foot Reflexology sessions on teacher’s during their conference breaks.

The challenge was that hundreds of teachers would spill out into the Exhibitor’s hall filled with dozens of booths offering a variety of services following each convention presentation.  The booth operators were compensated by the Teachers Union, and so all services were complimentary to the attendees, so we were all on an equal footing.  Our Reflexology booth was incredibly popular and our challenge was to keep the line moving so the teachers could receive a session and return to another conference presentation on time!

On one occasion the line was getting really long, I mean 50 or 60 people maybe more.  The teachers started complaining of the wait as they had to get back for the next session, and kept asking me to get to join in and offer foot Reflexology.

I decided to grab a chair and give mini Ear Reflexology sessions.  Only a few teachers left their positions in the foot Reflexology line to join my line.

The second person I worked on was a School Principal – very well known to all the teachers in line.

I asked her if she had any particular health challenges and she responded by telling me she had 2 frozen shoulders from a serious car accident 25 years ago.  So serious that it ended her teaching career because she could not raise her arms to the chalk board and now worked in an administrative role.  However, she was in constant pain despite all efforts by traditional medicine and drugs.

I asked her to demonstrate her range of motion by lifting each arm individually straight out from the side and stop at the start of discomfort.  Unfortunately for her she had virtually no movement without pain.

To begin her session, I asked her to sit down, take a few gentle and deep breaths and relax.

I then warmed up both ears with a few relaxation strokes.

Next, I located on both ears the shoulder reflex points and applied pressure to these points, looking to locate any sensitivities.  I worked those spots simultaneously on both ears for about 20 seconds.

Next I asked her to stand and try that same range of motion technique again.  Starting with the right arm, she very slowly began raising the arm up and up until her arm was above the shoulder and she stopped and I asked if she was in pain, and she said “No, but I haven’t raised my arm in 25 years, o I am scared to lift it any higher!!!” Then she lifted her left arm to the same level as she had with the right arm again without any discomfort.

She quietly sobbed and said “Thank you so much!”

As I looked up, nearly the entire line of teachers who had been observing me giving Ear Reflexology, moved from the Foot Reflexology line to my Ear Reflexology line and there wasn’t a dry eye in the place!

Everyone knew the Principal and her health struggles, and were truly moved by the miracle they had witnessed.

The Universal College of Reflexology and students were asked to return the following year to set up another booth.  As we were beginning our day the Principal who I had helped with the frozen shoulder the previous year, came up to me and gave me a huge hug and said “Jack, look at me!” and she lifted her arms above her head without pain. Her shoulder pain had never returned, and she thanked me again for changing her life!

To summarize – I gave her 20 seconds of Ear Reflexology which gave her an immediate healing response of nearly 100% relief of pain and the ability to use her arms on a daily basis.  This after 25 years of pain and the inability to use her arms, when relying on conventional medicine and physical therapies.

Now let me just add that it may have taken 20 seconds to get relief, but know that was backed up by specific training in the science and art of Ear Reflexology from some of the finest teachers in the world, and many hours of study and practice to perfect my techniques.

If this story inspires you and you want to learn more about Ear Reflexology – then today is a good day for you.

Here at the Universal College of Reflexology, we have been busy working out a way to bring to life our brand new Ear Reflexology Certification program.

We have come up with a plan!

November 29th is Black Friday – traditionally a day to save big on purchases – and we have decided to offer our Ear Reflexology Certification online program at a ridiculously low investment for just five days from Wednesday November 27th to Monday December 2nd.

Perhaps you may be interested in learning Ear Reflexology for personal health reasons?

Maybe add Ear Reflexology to your practice?

This will be a once in a lifetime opportunity at bargain basement investment!

Stay tuned for our opening announcement!