Exercise in the park, not in the gym

It’s better to exercise in a park than in the gym. Just five minutes of exercise outdoors is good for physical – and mental – health, a new study has discovered.

‘Green exercise’ – as the researchers call it – reduces the risk of mental illness and improves people’s overall sense of wellbeing.

They assessed the mental and physical health of 1,252 people who did any sort of exercise outdoors – from walking, cycling, gardening, fishing and horse-riding – and discovered they all benefited. Green areas that had water had an even bigger impact on wellbeing.

Best of all, say the researchers, the benefits could be seen after just five minutes in the great outdoors.

(Source: Environmental Science & Technology, 2010; doi: 10.1021/es903183r).

2 Replies to “Exercise in the park, not in the gym”

  1. Not having any form of doctorate behind me, I am not a professional in any field of medicine, holistics or otherwise. What I do have though, is first hand, personal experience to the countless benefits to being surrounded by nature and the ability to realize and acknowledge these benefits.

    Doing practically anything in the great outdoors is absolutely amazing. Not just because you are surrounded by beauty, but because it grounds you. There is a synergy between us humans and our natural surroundings. When I go for a casual stroll down the paths right across my street, I can’t describe how good it feels to take this all in. To just touch a tree, smell a flower and genuinely appreciate the gorgeous surroundings I’m fortunate to have access to.

    The sense of well-being I feel, the connection that is present between me and the greenery is just so therapeutic and really does help me achieve a higher level of wellness.


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