Ears – More Than Spectacle Holders!

  • The colour of an egg depends on the colour of the hens ear lobe! Hens with white ear lobes lay white eggs. Hens with red ear lobes lay brown eggs. Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshires and Plymouth Rock chickens lay brown eggs. White Leghorns and Brown Leghorns lay white eggs.
  • Cats have amazing hearing ability. A cat’s ear has 30 muscles that control the outer ear (by comparison, human ears only have six muscles). These muscles rotate 180 degrees, so the cat can hear in all directions without moving its head.
  • A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
  • When a Hawaiian woman wears a flower over her left ear, it means that she is not available
  • Only 1/3 of the people that can twitch their ears can twitch only one at a time.
  • Your ear bones are the smallest bones in your body.

There are also special points on the ear that when pressed in a certain sequence can cause pain to disappear!

Check out this article with great information on how to heal yourself using Ear Reflexology.

Ears – More than just for hearing

If you want to discover more about Ear Reflexology click here .