Merging Science & Reflexology [Podcast #003]

After almost 30 years of working as a Reflexologist and instructor I know that Reflexology works! I have witnessed and experienced amazing results, both in myself as well as my clients over the years. Reflexology has triumphed where conventional medicine has often failed.  The question we will discuss here is “How does Reflexology Work?”

We will bring into the discussion quantum physics, quantum science, Einsteins “sea of energy” and discover what happens when we ask some hard questions.

How do you think Reflexology works?


Nervous System?

Energy Pathways?



Please leave a comment with your thoughts below.

How to Create a Successful Reflexology Business [Podcast #001]

We don’t always see the big picture of success no matter what our career. Reflexology professionals often see themselves as healers, but don’t understand or know how to go about running their profession as a business.

To create a mindset for success, you must first look at the art of Reflexology as a profession worthy of recognition – especially financial recognition.

Reflexology is a profession that is fast becoming highly recognized for the science of healing that it brings to individuals. Now is the time to seize the opportunity of success that recognition brings.

Episode 001:  How to Create a Successful Reflexology Business

1) Attitude Makes a Difference

2) Develop a Mindset for Financial Success

3) Keep Them Coming Back