Calming Your Mind and Lowering Your Stress Levels

More often than not, we tend to focus on too many things every day, leading to confusion, anxiety, and annoyance. This stress can be hard on the mind and body, but the good news is that you can lower your stress levels and calm your mind, helping yourself to feel better each day.

In fact, you can overcome these issues with a few simple techniques! Continue reading “Calming Your Mind and Lowering Your Stress Levels”

How Staying Healthy and Stress Free Can Boost Your Fertility

If you’re like most people, you may not realize the plethora of adverse affects that stress can have on your body. When stress goes unchecked, there are many health problems that can occur. Then, worrying about your health causes more stress, and a vicious cycle begins.

This is often the case when it comes to women and their fertility. Infertility is very common and can strike anyone at varying degrees. When a woman decides to have a baby, the desire can be very strong and any kink in the road can seem like a major setback, causing even more stress. Continue reading “How Staying Healthy and Stress Free Can Boost Your Fertility”

You’re Important Too! Spring Cleaning Tips for the Mind

When you think of spring cleaning, you may have an image in your mind of family members gathering around with mops in their hands. That’s because spring is a good time to make your home and workspaces sparkling clean and clutter free.

However, there’s something else you should be paying attention to as well, and that’s keeping a clear and happy mindset.

If you find that you’re having trouble dealing with life’s stresses, and you need to sort out your thoughts, it will benefit you to use some of your spring cleaning time on yourself!

Try some of the following tips to reorganize your thoughts: Continue reading “You’re Important Too! Spring Cleaning Tips for the Mind”

Reversing Problems

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to spot something that’s wrong as opposed to everything else that is working well? I’m sure we can all think of people in our lives who have a special gift for shining a light on just about every broken thing there is to notice in the world. Continue reading “Reversing Problems”