Self-Care for the Reflexologist

To be a successful, professional Reflexologists takes time, care and attention. This self-care starts first with the Reflexologist. Only when you are fresh and balanced can you offer effective Reflexology treatments. Here are some tips and advice that we hope you will find useful.

Self-care begins with the correct choice of equipment, correct techniques, ergonomics, energy protection, balanced lifestyle, staying within professional limits, keeping up to date with latest information and techniques…

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Why did Eunice Ingham Teach Foot Reflexology?

Why did Eunice Ingham teach Foot Reflexology?

Interesting question!  We all learned Reflexology of the feet.  Why?  Because Eunice Ingham (known as the Grandmother of Modern Reflexology) decided to focus on feet, and subsequent teachers simply followed her lead.

However, we now know that her teachers, Drs. Joe Shelby & Elizabeth Riley actually taught Eunice three different types of Reflexology – Face, Ear and Foot – but Eunice – for whatever reason – chose to ignore the Face and Ears and work with the feet only.    Interesting huh! Continue reading “Why did Eunice Ingham Teach Foot Reflexology?”

Edema Disappears in One Reflexology Treatment

Reflexology rids patient of edema in ONE Session!!  Watch this video clip.  It is an irrefutable proof of medical evidence for Reflexology.  Through this clip, you will be able to watch how edema in a 34 weeks pregnant lady disappears in one single session of Reflexology.

This case was filmed at the Maternity and Gynaecology ward of the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, on July 29th, 2009. Continue reading “Edema Disappears in One Reflexology Treatment”

Reflexology and Smoking Cessation

GUEST POST – by Jack Marriott

In 1996, I was a volunteer Little League Baseball Coach. After one game, the mother of one of the kids who I wanted to draft onto my West Van Cubs team, who a teacher at the local elementary school asked to speak to me.

She knew I had a local Reflexology clinic and wanted to book an Ear Reflexology session and whispered in my ear “I want to quit smoking.”   She said she was a closet smoker, literally, she smoked only in the closet.  She confided to me that nobody except her son, knew that she smoked.

As a teacher she wanted to set a good example to her students, and smoking was not the image she wanted to promote, and her health was starting to suffer.

This was to be my very first client working with the smoke cessation protocols from Dr. Paul Nogier the “father of auriculotherapy”.

Dr. Nogier advocates the approach that smoking should be stopped gradually. The first goal is to reduce daily smoking by 90%.  Once that goal is achieved – then work on gradually reducing the remaining 10%.

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Extraordinary Healing Power of Ear Reflexology

Many years ago, Lauren Slade and Jack Marriott were requested to set up two complementary health information booths at the Central East Alberta Teacher’s Annual Convention in Edmonton Alberta.

Lauren managed a booth on muscle testing and stress relief and I managed a booth on Foot Reflexology at which three of our graduates were performing UCR’s trade marked 12-minute Foot Reflexology sessions on teacher’s during their conference breaks.

The challenge was that hundreds of teachers would spill out into the Exhibitor’s hall filled with dozens of booths offering a variety of services following each convention presentation.  The booth operators were compensated by the Teachers Union, and so all services were complimentary to the attendees, so we were all on an equal footing.  Our Reflexology booth was incredibly popular and our challenge was to keep the line moving so the teachers could receive a session and return to another conference presentation on time!

On one occasion the line was getting really long, I mean 50 or 60 people maybe more.  The teachers started complaining of the wait as they had to get back for the next session, and kept asking me to get to join in and offer foot Reflexology.

I decided to grab a chair and give mini Ear Reflexology sessions.  Only a few teachers left their positions in the foot Reflexology line to join my line.

The second person I worked on was a School Principal – very well known to all the teachers in line. Continue reading “Extraordinary Healing Power of Ear Reflexology”

Gregg Braden: Grieving a Lost Way of Life

Our entire planet for the very first time in recorded human history, is simultaneously going through a process of grief.

We are all in grief, knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or subconsciously, and whether we acknowledge it or not.

We are all in grief, and the question is, what are we grieving? The answer to that surprises a lot of people. We are grieving the loss of a way of life. The way that we were living our lives just a few weeks ago has been lost.  It’s been taken from us.

Listen to this interview excerpt with Gregg Braden on the current pandemic situation.  He perfectly explained what and why we are experiencing and feeling right now.

If you are a Reflexologist or health care practitioner, this affects you, your families and clients. Continue reading “Gregg Braden: Grieving a Lost Way of Life”