About Lauren

Meet Lauren, a lifelong seeker of knowledge and understanding. From an early age, her inquisitive nature fascinated her parents, who marveled at her never-ending stream of questions.

“Why is the sky blue?” she’d ask. “How do birds fly? Where do babies come from? Why do I have to go to school? Why do dogs bark? Where do mountains come from? Why do we need to sleep? Why does it rain?”

In response, her parents lovingly embraced her curiosity, often saying, “Those are fantastic questions, Lauren. Let’s explore and discover the answers together tomorrow.” In an era predating the internet and computers, Lauren’s family relied on their treasured set of encyclopedia Britannica books, spending research days delving into the pages to find answers to her ever-growing list of inquiries.

As she grew, Lauren’s passion for research continued to fuel her thirst for knowledge, shaping her understanding of the world and her place within it. Her bedtime reading consisted of browsing random volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica, building a solid foundation of knowledge that would guide her on her lifelong quest.

Lauren’s upbringing in a strict and deeply religious cult exposed her to different perspectives on religion and spirituality. This early experience instilled in her an appreciation for the diverse understandings of these concepts. To Lauren, true spirituality transcended the confines of organized religion. She believed that it resided deep within oneself—an inherent way of loving, accepting, and connecting with the world and those around her, unbound by the limitations of a specific dogma or church.

Driven by her quest for personal growth and understanding, Lauren remained committed to her ongoing spiritual journey. She believed that by pursuing their own spiritual development, individuals could align themselves with their ideal selves and live lives filled with purpose, happiness, and fulfillment.

Today, with a remarkable passion for learning and a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, Lauren continues to seek answers to life’s big questions. Her unwavering curiosity, paired with her belief in the power of personal spirituality, guides her as she explores the depths of her existence and shares her insights with those who accompany her on this extraordinary journey of discovery.